now accepting applications

Introducing, Vincent!

Please carefully review the information below. If you feel like your family might be the perfect forever home for Vincent, please submit an adoption application!


Adoption Fee



Omaha, NE


French Bulldog




4 months old [DOB: 02-20-2024]


17 lbs






YES- this is a must

Fenced Yard



Vincent’s Story

Vincent came into the SNAFU Rescue via a commerical breeding auction. His breeder wanted him to be placed in a loving home and spend the rest of his years being a spoiled pet.

Vincent is a smart, active, dramatic, playful, energetic, social, curious, and most snuggly Frenchie puppy who enjoys the constant activity of playtime and a comfy spot for naptime. He has the endless enthusiasm of a typical puppy but once all his energy has been exhausted you can find Vincent looking for a comfy dog bed or cool floor to take a much-needed nap. You can often find him exploring every inch of his foster home.  Vincent will actively search for his foster parents’ fuzzy slippers or laundry to play a fierce game of keep away with!  He is a complete thief and knows exactly where they are and is fearless when it comes to capturing his prized possession.  When he isn’t burning off some energy inside,  you can find him begging for some playtime outside.  Vincent will romp around in the grass, weaving through the landscaping and running the fence line with his foster brothers.  Once he has exhausted himself, you can find him searching for his beloved bone to settle in for a chew session. There is not a bone Vincent will refuse!  His favorites are puppy benebones and a yummy beef knuckle; he can chew for hours!!  If his furry friends are romping around the home showing off their playful nature, that is a cue for Vincent to join in!  He is extremely brave when he thinks about entering the Frenchie scrum but prefers to watch (and bark) from a distance making his presence known.  Once his much older foster siblings are done playing, Vincent will not discriminate and grab truly any squeaky toy he can get his little paws on to continue his fun!  He will romp around adorably shaking said toy and clumsily running about.  He truly is content playing all by himself but very much welcomes his foster siblings in his playtime.  After a fun (and exhausting) play session, Vincent again will take a little snooze on a soft comfy bed inside his X-pen.  Vincent is truly a Velcro puppy!  He is quite inquisitive and wants to know where everything is in the home so he must be supervised when wandering indoors as he doesn’t know danger.  He currently lives with two French Bulldog foster siblings. He gets along famously with them but sometimes his puppy energy is too much for them to handle; especially for the more senior of the bunch.  Vincent is just a puppy, is experiencing a big transition, and will need firm leadership, and consistent correction to help him learn proper dog behavior, learn proper dog manners, and know what is expected in his adoptive home. He is extremely smart, receptive to correction, treat motivated, and eager to please his humans so we know he will catch on very quickly!  Vincent seems to fall head over paws for every human he meets.  His foster family believes he would be best in a home with dog-savvy, gentle, children of any age and a home with a playful friend (this is a MUST).  Vincent is adaptable and can have fun with his friends, his beloved humans, or all by himself!  As with all of our dogs, we recommend slow introductions between dogs AND supervision around children when introducing a new dog in your home to make sure both he and they are kept safe.  

Vincent is still working on potty training.  He is still a puppy so training is a work in progress.  He quickly picks up on things, mimics his foster sibling’s behavior, adapts well to routines, and does his business outside when he is asked.  Vincent is still a puppy and with all of our dogs, any adopter will need to be able to and willing to continue working on potty training with him, offering him a consistent schedule and working with him on a signal for potty.  He is 100% crate-trained and has remained 100% accident-free in his crate.  Vincent sleeps quietly in his crate when his foster family happens to leave the home and as well at night. Since Vincent does NOT have accidents overnight, he has been invited to share the big bed in his foster home (on occasion) and we know he would love to share a bed with his adoptive family!  He is such a snuggle bug and will sleep 8 hours straight through the night only moving to snuggle in closer.  Vincent loves the softer things in life so a human bed would be ideal for this little snuggle bug!  For his safety, we recommend a similar crating/sleeping schedule be kept for him. 

Medically, Vincent seems to be in great health.  He has been neutered, updated on vaccinations/dewormings, microchipped, and has been given the okay for adoption by our veterinarian!  Vincent does seem to suffer from some seasonal allergies that have been pinpointed and shared with his adoptive family. 

Vincent would do best in a home with a fenced-in yard due to his explorative nature and because he is still potty training (as opposed to a multiple-floor apartment-style dwelling with no yard).  A shared-wall style home would NOT be ideal for Vincent because when he gets going he has quite the bark (he barks at himself all the time).  Vincent often gets the Frenchie zoomies and insists on running around like a madman so a good-sized backyard would best fit for this fun-loving boy!  Once Vincent is fully trained we believe he would love to go to the office with his new family since this sweet boy loves to always be around his people and is very content on the lap of anyone willing to share it!  You can’t take him to the office- that’s okay!  He will happily sleep part of the day away in his crate with his comfy blanket as long as his people can arrange a few mid-day potty breaks for him.  Overall, Vincent is an amazing little boy!  He enjoys snuggle hour, car rides, bathtime, snuggle hour, playtime, snuggle hour, nap time, furry friends, snuggle hour, all yummy bones, and all people but has quite the side for the dramatics!  This silly boy is looking for an active family that can offer him the stimulation he needs and the guidance to help him develop into an adult dog.  Be prepared for the needs and requirements of a young dog; Vincent will make it worth it! 

If you feel like your family might be the perfect forever home for Vincent, please submit an adoption application for him today!! 



Please note that it will likely be at *least* a 3–4 week minimum before you hear back from us after submitting an adoption application.

We typically accept for new applications for a period of 7 days or until 20 applications have been received for any newly available dog. After that time period, the applications are sent on to the foster family for review and that usually takes from at *least* a few days to a week to sort through the applications, etc. Most of our dogs receive several applications so this process does take some time, especially on dogs who are more popular for one reason or another.

We do require phone interviews to be conducted between the foster family and potential adopters, vet reference checks and a home visit to be conducted for all potential adopters, if they are selected as the top choice applicant, which will also take time to complete. That being said, we do always let our applicants know if they are chosen or not.

IF you happen to not be chosen, please don’t feel discouraged as, again, we usually get several applications for each dog, and sometimes it can be very difficult to choose just one adopter. In those cases, we usually offer to keep the applications for adoption on file for any future dogs that come into our rescue.

ALL adopters are required to come and pick up their adopted dogs in person from the dog’s foster home (we do not ship any of our dogs). Please have road/driving transport plans in place to pick up an adopted dog before you apply! While we are not against adopters flying a foster dog in cabin on a commercial flight, please keep in mind that many are not good candidates for flying due to size and/or being a brachycephalic/short nosed breed.

If an adopter cannot keep one of our grads, for any reason at all, at ANY point in time, they *must* be willing and able to return their adopted dog to his/her original foster home, despite distance and any costs that would be required to do so.

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​SNAFU Rescue is a 501(c)(3) tax deductible non-profit organization that rescues, rehabilitates, and rehomes all short-nosed breeds in need.   |   wishlist   |    donate   |    volunteer   |    adopted dogs

© Copyright 2023, SNAFU Rescue (Short Noses and Friends United Rescue). All Rights Reserved.