now accepting applications

Introducing, India!

Please carefully review the information below. If you feel like your family might be the perfect forever home for India, please submit an adoption application!


Adoption Fee



Edwardsville, IL (St Louis Area)






3 years old [DOB: 05-14-2021]


26 lbs







Fenced Yard



India’s Story

India came into the SNAFU Rescue via a private part surrender. Her loving owner wanted her to be placed in a loving home and spend the rest of her years being a spoiled pet.

India is an enchanting bundle of joy, a Frenchton girl who effortlessly blends playful energy with a charming laziness. Her sociable nature is evident from the moment you meet her—she instantly wins over everyone, transforming strangers into best friends within minutes. India’s zest for life is showcased in her favorite pastime: staying on the move. She plays with enthusiasm, runs with incredible speed, and her Boston Terrier heritage shines through with her impressive prey drive. No squirrel, bird, or small animal is safe in her presence as she focuses intently, chasing them with all her might. When she’s not darting around, India finds immense delight in her toys, especially those that crinkle and squeak. Her happiest moments are spent gleefully squeaking away with the loudest toy or quietly nibbling on her beloved Nylabone. India’s heart overflows with love for all people, and she thrives on their energy, seamlessly matching their moods whether it’s time to play or relax. 

She’s a true cuddle bug, often found napping next to her foster mom on the couch, subtly pushing up against her for maximum comfort. India’s playful nature is balanced by her ability to relax and enjoy being a Frenchie couch potato. She relishes in plush spots for a good snooze, and if her human happens to share her space, she’ll graciously nestle up to them and snooze the day away. Her social butterfly tendencies mean she gets along with every human she meets, making her an ideal companion for families with children of any age, particularly teenagers who can match her playful spirit. Slow introductions and supervision around children are a must to be sure they and she are kept safe. 


Despite her active side, India has a calm, gentle demeanor that makes her a joy to be around. However, she does have a habit of jumping up in excitement when greeting people. This behavior is being actively corrected, and she is making daily improvements. Slow introductions and supervision around children are essential to ensure everyone’s safety and comfort. 

The resident dogs in her current home may not show much interest in India, but that doesn’t faze her one bit! She graciously accepts all the attention and affection directed her way. She cohabitates well with other dogs and would thrive with a balanced, playful canine companion. Alternatively, she could also do well as an only dog if she receives plenty of attention, walks, and playtime from her humans.

Due to her prey drive, India will not be placed in a home with cats, birds, or other small animals. She needs a family willing to work with her on learning manners and understanding what is expected of her in her adoptive home. Patience and extra time will be crucial as she adapts to yet another new environment.

In all seriousness, India is a delightful mix of activity and relaxation. She is an equal-opportunity attention seeker, loving both big and small humans with equal fervor. Her sweet disposition and gentle nature make her an ideal addition to any home. With a family ready to invest love, patience, and time into her, India will continue to blossom into the delightful, affectionate companion she’s meant to be.

India’s foster family reports she is fully potty trained after only having just a few accidents upon her arrival. She will happily go outside when taken but doesn’t offer a signal to indicate when she has to go.  A regular and consistent schedule will help with her continued potty training success in her new home.  India is crate-trained and sleeps quietly in her crate. She is often bribed with a little “cookie” to coax her inside but she doesn’t need it to enter.  For her safety, we recommend that she is kept on a similar crating schedule when her family is away at work or leaves the home. Since India is quite the snuggle bug, we know she would love to share a human bed at night to offer her loving family extra cuddles.   

Medically, India seems to be in great health!  She has been spayed, updated on vaccinations/dewormings, heartworm tested, microchipped, and has been given a clean bill of health by our veterinarian! She does have a VERY MILD Grade 1 Heart Murmur that barely could be heard. It should be checked yearly at her wellness appointment.  

India would be happiest in a house with a yard (as opposed to a multiple-floor apartment-style dwelling with no yard) since she loves to run fast, needs exercise, and has a prey drive; she will run after any predators without blinking an eye.  A fully fenced-in secured yard is for her ongoing safety.  She quickly mastered the stairs in her foster home, so a multi-level home would be okay for her.  We also think she’d love to go work with her new family if they wanted to take her with them to the office! She loves to meet new people!  If her people are not able to take her to work with them, no problem – she’s completely happy sleeping part of the day away as long as her people can arrange a mid-day potty break for her!  Again, she is a fun, energetic, adorably sweet, playful Frenchton who wants to be part of her human’s everyday activities.  She loves to play, explore, and investigate what her people might be doing at all times.  India is a true dream girl who has such a goofy personality she would love to share!  She seeks the attention and adoration of her loved humans and would love a LARGE family with children to dote on her; the more hands to pet the better!  India is a sweetheart who loves to cuddle those she loves most; she is such a dream girl!  

If you feel like your family might be the perfect forever home for India, please submit an adoption application for her today!!


Please note that it will likely be at *least* a 3–4 week minimum before you hear back from us after submitting an adoption application.

We typically accept for new applications for a period of 7 days or until 20 applications have been received for any newly available dog. After that time period, the applications are sent on to the foster family for review and that usually takes from at *least* a few days to a week to sort through the applications, etc. Most of our dogs receive several applications so this process does take some time, especially on dogs who are more popular for one reason or another.

We do require phone interviews to be conducted between the foster family and potential adopters, vet reference checks and a home visit to be conducted for all potential adopters, if they are selected as the top choice applicant, which will also take time to complete. That being said, we do always let our applicants know if they are chosen or not.

IF you happen to not be chosen, please don’t feel discouraged as, again, we usually get several applications for each dog, and sometimes it can be very difficult to choose just one adopter. In those cases, we usually offer to keep the applications for adoption on file for any future dogs that come into our rescue.

ALL adopters are required to come and pick up their adopted dogs in person from the dog’s foster home (we do not ship any of our dogs). Please have road/driving transport plans in place to pick up an adopted dog before you apply! While we are not against adopters flying a foster dog in cabin on a commercial flight, please keep in mind that many are not good candidates for flying due to size and/or being a brachycephalic/short nosed breed.

If an adopter cannot keep one of our grads, for any reason at all, at ANY point in time, they *must* be willing and able to return their adopted dog to his/her original foster home, despite distance and any costs that would be required to do so.

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​SNAFU Rescue is a 501(c)(3) tax deductible non-profit organization that rescues, rehabilitates, and rehomes all short-nosed breeds in need.   |   wishlist   |    donate   |    volunteer   |    adopted dogs

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