now accepting applications

Introducing, Frida!

Please carefully review the information below. If you feel like your family might be the perfect forever home for Frida, please submit an adoption application!


Adoption Fee



Omaha, NE


Boston Terrier




4 years old [DOB: 3/7/2019]


18 lbs







Fenced Yard



Frida’s Story

Friday came into SNAFU Rescue via a private party. Her owner wanted her to be placed in a loving pet home to be spoiled and live out her life as a cherished pet.

Frida is a sensitive little lady.  She is a shy but sweet, timid, and reserved Boston girl.  She is unsure around new people and in new environments, clinging to those she trusts when feeling insecure.  Her favorite pastimes include taking many naps throughout the day, emptying in her toy bin, jumping on the couch to be near her foster family, and taking in a good snuggle with her people.  She will pull each toy out of the bin and make a big pile on the couch before selecting the special toy that will get her attention.  Her favorites include ones she can chew on and toys that are fluffy and make that infamous crinkle sound.  Frida is truly a velcro Boston girl always wanting to be near her people as she finds great comfort in their presence.  She enjoyed spending time outdoors with her foster family exploring the backyard or just basking her buns in the sun. She takes a passive and cautious approach to life as she is still building her confidence and finding her way into pet life. Frida currently lives with a furry foster sibling and thrives in the company of another dog. Frida follows him for cues and occasionally will try and engage him in some play or to run some zoomies.  She is extremely respectful of his space and reads his energy levels.  As mentioned, Frida really loves her people!  More often than not, she would much rather follow her humans all around the house than engage with a furry creature!  Frida is quite apprehensive and nervous, requiring a little bit of time to warm up to adults and children but once she does she falls head over paws in love with everyone she meets!  Frida is quite the snuggle bug seeking attention and cuddles from all people who will offer her a warm lap to jump into.  She is still learning the ways of pet life and will need a family who is willing to spend time with her, provide the space she requires, offer her patience, and introduce her to slowly to new things to build her confidence as she grows into pet life. She is making improvements daily and her foster family could not be more proud of her!  Frida would most certainly do well in a house with a fur buddy to continue to guide her into proper dog behaviors.  Her sweet but nervous personality would fit best with calm, gentle, dog-savvy children over the age of 10.  Frida is very nervous around loud, abrupt noises and can startle very easily.  She did nip at members of her foster family when she was feeling scared and overwhelmed (there are 5 children of varying ages in her foster home) so a calmer home environment is needed for her to reduce her anxiety.  As with all of our dogs, slow introductions to other dogs and children in the household are a must and she should always be supervised to make sure she and they are kept safe. 

Frida is nearly 100% potty trained. The few accidents she had were related to not picking up on her cues.  Her adoptive family will need to be willing and able to keep her on a regular and consistent schedule and find a signal for potty for her continued potty training success.  Frida is very responsive when it is time to go “outside” and willingly does all of her business but requires a furry friend to be with her (she emulates their outside behavior).  Her foster family reports she is nervous when called to go into her crate.  Frida is picked up and placed gently into her crate and will lay there quietly until her foster family returns. She tolerates her crate well but she would much rather be with her people; it is not a place where she seeks comfort.  Frida would LOVE to share a bed with her adoptive for unlimited bedtime snuggles.  For her safety, a similar crating arrangement is suggested when her humans are away from the home and/or when she is left unsupervised so she is safe and secure.  

Medically, Frida is in good health!  She has been spayed, updated on vaccinations/dewormings, had a dental, and heartworm tested, microchipped, and has been given a clean bill of health by our veterinarian!  She does have a mild-grade luxating patella that does not need surgical intervention.  Frida needs to remain on a high-quality joint supplement and be offered pain meds as needed. Her leg is to be monitored for any future issues.  

Frida would do best in a home with a fenced-in yard due to her need to wander the yard while outside and her need to sun her cute little buns. She would do just fine in an apartment-style home on the ground level with a fenced-in area as long as her adoptive family would be willing to give her ample time she needs outside. Frida does great with stairs but a limited amount of stairs is best due her to luxating patella.  She would do best in a quiet house with a family that is patient, willing to help her overcome her shy nature and help her develop her sweetness into greatness!    We also think Frida would do best in a home that has a part-time or full-time stay at home parent or a work from home parent.  She finds comfort in being with her people and other furry creatures at all times.  We don’t think she would be a great dog to take to the office due to timid nature. Frida would be much happier sleeping the day away on the couch with her family near.

Frida is a beautiful girl that needs a home that understands she has a need to be the queen of the couch!  She is just in need of some patience, direction and this lovable girl will be forever a loyal friend to a family she can call her own!

If you feel like your family might be the perfect forever home for Frida, please submit an adoption application for her today!!


Please note that it will likely be at *least* a 3–4 week minimum before you hear back from us after submitting an adoption application.

We typically accept for new applications for a period of 7 days or until 20 applications have been received for any newly available dog. After that time period, the applications are sent on to the foster family for review and that usually takes from at *least* a few days to a week to sort through the applications, etc. Most of our dogs receive several applications so this process does take some time, especially on dogs who are more popular for one reason or another.

We do require phone interviews to be conducted between the foster family and potential adopters, vet reference checks and a home visit to be conducted for all potential adopters, if they are selected as the top choice applicant, which will also take time to complete. That being said, we do always let our applicants know if they are chosen or not.

IF you happen to not be chosen, please don’t feel discouraged as, again, we usually get several applications for each dog, and sometimes it can be very difficult to choose just one adopter. In those cases, we usually offer to keep the applications for adoption on file for any future dogs that come into our rescue.

ALL adopters are required to come and pick up their adopted dogs in person from the dog’s foster home (we do not ship any of our dogs). Please have road/driving transport plans in place to pick up an adopted dog before you apply! While we are not against adopters flying a foster dog in cabin on a commercial flight, please keep in mind that many are not good candidates for flying due to size and/or being a brachycephalic/short nosed breed.

If an adopter cannot keep one of our grads, for any reason at all, at ANY point in time, they *must* be willing and able to return their adopted dog to his/her original foster home, despite distance and any costs that would be required to do so.

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​SNAFU Rescue is a 501(c)(3) tax deductible non-profit organization that rescues, rehabilitates, and rehomes all short-nosed breeds in need.   |   wishlist   |    donate   |    volunteer   |    adopted dogs

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