now accepting applications

Introducing, Echo!

Please carefully review the information below. If you feel like your family might be the perfect forever home for Echo, please submit an adoption application!


Adoption Fee



Bellevue, NE


French Bulldog




2.5 years old [DOB: 10-17-2021]


27.5 lbs







Fenced Yard



Echo’s Story

Echo came into the SNAFU Rescue via a breeder release. His breeder wanted him to be placed in a loving home and spend the rest of his years being a spoiled pet.

Echo is an enthusiastic, active, playful, social, happy, outgoing, and friendly Frenchie boy.  He firmly believes that all dogs were made for him to make fast friends with! He enjoys romping around the house and exploring every inch of his surroundings but can usually be found next to one of his current foster pack.  He especially loves his playful Frenchie foster brother, but while in foster care he hasn’t met another dog that he hasn’t enjoyed. Echo has an affinity for the outdoors and often requests time outside to take in all the smells.  Most of his outdoor time is spent exploring, where he has been known to find things to eat that he shouldn’t, like sticks, flower petals, or an occasional rabbit dropping.  He bounces around like the energizer bunny when he has a burst of energy and can be found running the craziest zoomies on occasion. Echo adores bones and can be found many times a day nibbling away.  He has not been able to play with fluffy or squeaky toys in his foster home because the resident boxer destroys and eats them, but we are quite certain he would LOVE them too.  When Echo decides playtime is over, he is ready for a nap.  For a young dog, he sure does enjoy a nice long snooze.  Echo will grab any soft bed or blanket when he needs a nap, but much prefers the couch laying on of his beloved humans!  He is a huge lap dog; he could lay all snuggled up for hours on end next to those he loves most.  Once nap time is over, Echo once again finds his young dog energy and is off to the races!  He has a major case of FOMO and MUST be involved in all the happenings of the house especially those of his furry foster siblings.  He is a master with other dogs and is the very best snuggle bug to both his humans and furry friends when his favorite TV shows are on.  Echo has attended many SNAFU events and is a perfect example of proper dog meeting skills every single time. He is quite bulletproof in these social events and thrives with meeting new people and furry friends. Echo’s overall fun, happy disposition allows him to get along famously with his furry foster siblings.   He is still learning personal space and doesn’t know when he is invading boundaries or playing too rough, but he’s learning.  It doesn’t bother his current pack, but it could annoy a dog that has some resource-guarding tendencies.  He has always respected the pack leaders’ boundaries, but as he has become more comfortable in his foster home we have seen some displays that show he would likely try to establish his own leadership abilities in his forever home. He is a very confident dog that responds well to strong direction and has flourished in his foster home where he lives with 6 other dogs that range in size from big to small. He has a very lovable, confident, and independent temperament which is favorable when he is around other dogs.  Echo seems to get along with any dog he has met (both male and female, as well as big and small) and would thrive with several furry pals to hang around with; he truly is a pack dog!  He is most social with dogs but is also very good at meeting new people. Because of his lighthearted disposition, we feel he will do perfectly well with other dogs and with dog-savvy, gentle, respectful children of any age.  We also feel Echo would thrive in a multi-dog household as he emulates other dog behaviors and picks up quickly on what is expected in the home. We feel Echo would make an excellent addition to a fostering pack or might even make a good therapy dog. Slow introductions to other dogs and children in the household are a must and he should always be supervised to make sure both he and they are kept safe.

Echo is fully potty training. As with all of our dogs, any adopter must be patient and willing to continue working on his potty-training success as he acclimates to his new home and surroundings. Echo is a young dog and needs a consistent outside routine and a signal for potty.  He has not been kenneled much, since his foster mom works from home. He has been trusted to be out for periods of up to 5 hrs with a belly band and he has never had an accident in the belly band.  He currently is allowed to roam free at night. He will jump in bed and sleep wherever there is room but will also jump down and find a place on the floor or the couch. He prefers to prop himself up on part of his human body, as it helps him breathe easier, we believe. 

Medically, Echo is in great health! He came into rescue with a lot of regurgitation issues. With time his foster family found that feeding him upright in a human baby highchair, then letting him sit in that upright position for an additional 15 minutes completely fixed his regurg issues. With an x-ray and later an endoscopy it was found that Echo has part of his esophagus that is stretched out. Our vet confirmed this is not something that can be repaired surgically, but also let us know that Echo had no ulcerative tissue in his esophagus, which confirmed that his upright feeding routine is exactly what he needs to lead a happy, healthy, and pretty much normal life. His typical feeding time takes less than 2 minutes and he will sit in his highchair and take a snooze for his 15-minute post-eating routine, so it’s easy peasy!

Echo would do great in any type of home! He has mastered stairs and is fearless with most athletic activities (the dude has some MAJOR hops!) Echo has exhibited a slight prey drive and has been known to chase a bunny or twenty, so a fenced yard would be ideal for him. If you don’t have a fenced yard and are willing to take him out for multiple walks throughout the day, he would be fine with that as well. A multiple-floor apartment-style dwelling might not be the best for him as he will at times bark to engage his furry friends.  He will quiet down when asked to, but if his humans aren’t home to guide him, he may bark and be disruptive to neighbors. Echo might like to go to the office with you if that’s allowed, but since he’s still a young dog he would need training to adapt to the expectations at work.  He needs some basic young dog training but with some consistent work, he would do just fine!  He has been spoiled by his foster mom working from home and letting him out often for potty breaks, but if his people are not able to work from home, we’re sure he will adapt well to sleeping part of the day away as long as he has a warm soft blanket and a furry pal, and his people can arrange for a mid-day potty break for him!  He is a playful young dog looking for a home that has an active family to dote on him, can be included in most family outdoor activities, and can offer him the exercise he desires, and lots of love and attention. He is an overall balanced, happy, and playful soul who has adapted to pet life quickly!  Echo is still a young dog so be prepared for the care and requirements that come along with that! 

If you feel like your family might be the perfect forever home for Echo, please submit an adoption application for him.


Please note that it will likely be at *least* a 3–4 week minimum before you hear back from us after submitting an adoption application.

We typically accept for new applications for a period of 7 days or until 20 applications have been received for any newly available dog. After that time period, the applications are sent on to the foster family for review and that usually takes from at *least* a few days to a week to sort through the applications, etc. Most of our dogs receive several applications so this process does take some time, especially on dogs who are more popular for one reason or another.

We do require phone interviews to be conducted between the foster family and potential adopters, vet reference checks and a home visit to be conducted for all potential adopters, if they are selected as the top choice applicant, which will also take time to complete. That being said, we do always let our applicants know if they are chosen or not.

IF you happen to not be chosen, please don’t feel discouraged as, again, we usually get several applications for each dog, and sometimes it can be very difficult to choose just one adopter. In those cases, we usually offer to keep the applications for adoption on file for any future dogs that come into our rescue.

ALL adopters are required to come and pick up their adopted dogs in person from the dog’s foster home (we do not ship any of our dogs). Please have road/driving transport plans in place to pick up an adopted dog before you apply! While we are not against adopters flying a foster dog in cabin on a commercial flight, please keep in mind that many are not good candidates for flying due to size and/or being a brachycephalic/short nosed breed.

If an adopter cannot keep one of our grads, for any reason at all, at ANY point in time, they *must* be willing and able to return their adopted dog to his/her original foster home, despite distance and any costs that would be required to do so.

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​SNAFU Rescue is a 501(c)(3) tax deductible non-profit organization that rescues, rehabilitates, and rehomes all short-nosed breeds in need.   |   wishlist   |    donate   |    volunteer   |    adopted dogs

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