now accepting applications

Introducing, Avery!

Please carefully review the information below. If you feel like your family might be the perfect forever home for Avery, please submit an adoption application!


Adoption Fee



Freeport, IL


French Bulldog




1 years old [DOB: 07-25-2022]


22 lbs







Fenced Yard



Avery’s Story

Avery came into the SNAFU Rescue via a breeder release. Her breeder wanted her to be placed in a loving home and spend the rest of her years being a spoiled pet.

Avery is a sweet, active, social, outgoing, easy-going, loving, and well-mannered little Frenchie girl who loves to be near her favorite humans at all times. She is a complete social butterfly, seeks attention, and prefers to be everywhere and anywhere her foster family is.  Avery is an equal opportunity attention seeker; if she sees a hand that isn’t occupied she DEMANDS it becomes busy petting, snuggling her, or squeaking her favorite toy.  She is an invader of all human space and insists on sharing the very air that her favorite humans breathe. When she isn’t stalking her humans or hanging out below their feet, you can find Avery batting around her favorite toy, hanging out with her foster siblings, or quietly nibbling on her beloved Nylabone.  Don’t be fooled by all of her activities… When her foster home is quiet and relaxed, so is Avery.  She will find a soft surface to curl up and take a little nap.  When activity resumes Avery is first in line to get in on the action! She will find any of her favorite stuffed toys (especially leans towards those that squeak) and will settle in for a little play session or take to the outdoors exploring every inch of her fenced-in yard.  Avery really is a people dog!  She gets very excited to see people and will beeline straight to them for some good pets. When Avery isn’t shadowing her foster family everywhere they go you can find her chewing on a bone or squeaky toy or napping. After romping around inside, Avery will look for an excursion outside. She really loves to run around outside.  When Avery first arrived at the rescue, she was unsure of what was expected of her. She lived most of her life in a commercial breeding kennel and is slowly learning to live her life as a cherished pet.  Although she is gaining more confidence daily and becoming more comfortable, it is important to remember that she is dealing with a big transition and as such will need a patient and understanding family.  She currently lives with two furry siblings. Avery very much enjoys their presence.  She enjoys the company of her humans over that of that furry creature in her foster home and often will butt to the front of the line to receive pets. She does adore her foster siblings and offers to clean themthier faces every night prior to bed.  Her foster family does think she would thrive with another dog in her home so they can show her the ropes and would also be equally okay as an only dog.  She is still learning the ways of pet life and finds comfort in being with her human, but living with one other balanced, gentle, passive dog will certainly help her continue to learn and grow into the pampered pet she’s meant to be.  As with all of our dogs, slow introductions to other dogs in the household are a must.  Although Avery has not been around small children given her overall gentle disposition we think she would do AMAZING with kids. We do think Avery would be great with gentle, dog-savvy, respectful children of any age.  She should always be supervised when she is around children to make sure both she and they are kept safe.  

Avery’s foster family happily reports she is making great strides in the potty training game!  She is making fast progress and picked it up quickly and is about 95% trained.  She hasn’t learned to signal to go out just yet, but if let out every couple of hours she’s done fine with that. Her adoptive family will need to be patient, willing, and able to keep her on a regular and consistent schedule for her continued potty-training success.  Avery is fully crate trained and sleeps quietly in her crate completely accident-free overnight.  For her safety, we recommend a similar crating arrangement is suggested when her humans are away from the home and/or when she is left unsupervised, so she is safe and secure while no one is at home. Avery does not know danger and is still learning how to be a pet. Since she loves her humans so much and is quite the snuggle bug, we do think she would love to continue to share a human bed with her adoptive family.  

Medically, Avery seems to be in great health!  She has been spayed, updated on vaccinations/dewormings, heartworm tested, microchipped, and has been given the okay to adopt by our veterinarian.  

Avery is a very adaptable dog, and we think she would do great in almost any type of home; she is a champ with stairs.  We also feel that Avery would be a good pet for a ground-level multiple-floor apartment-style home with an attached adjacent fenced-in yard as she is a quiet dog.  A fenced-in yard is required for Avery, as she does love to explore the outdoors, is still perfecting her leash skills, likes to play in the yard, does not know danger and will run if she chooses and overall channels her Dora the Explorer character so for her ongoing safety a fenced-in yard is best for her.  Work from home or a stay-at-home parent? Avery would love that!!! Otherwise, we think she’d love to go to work with her new family, as long as it’s a quiet work setting, as she prefers not to be away from her people!  If her people are not able to take her to work with them, no problem at all – she’s completely happy sleeping the day away as long as she has a warm soft blanket, and her people can arrange for a mid-day potty break for her!  Avery is looking for a family to call her very own, one with several family members to dote on her and one that will offer her unlimited snuggles.  Avery has a lot of energy and is incredibly loving and friendly.  She is a complete velcro dog that needs the basics of pet life; toys, bones, soft surfaces, and most importantly a family to love her forever.  This little girl will be forever loyal and repay her forever family with unconditional love and unlimited cuddles!  Avery is still a very young dog so be prepared for the needs and requirements of a puppy.  

If you feel like your family might be the perfect forever home for Avery, please submit an adoption application for her today!!


Please note that it will likely be at *least* a 3–4 week minimum before you hear back from us after submitting an adoption application.

We typically accept for new applications for a period of 7 days or until 20 applications have been received for any newly available dog. After that time period, the applications are sent on to the foster family for review and that usually takes from at *least* a few days to a week to sort through the applications, etc. Most of our dogs receive several applications so this process does take some time, especially on dogs who are more popular for one reason or another.

We do require phone interviews to be conducted between the foster family and potential adopters, vet reference checks and a home visit to be conducted for all potential adopters, if they are selected as the top choice applicant, which will also take time to complete. That being said, we do always let our applicants know if they are chosen or not.

IF you happen to not be chosen, please don’t feel discouraged as, again, we usually get several applications for each dog, and sometimes it can be very difficult to choose just one adopter. In those cases, we usually offer to keep the applications for adoption on file for any future dogs that come into our rescue.

ALL adopters are required to come and pick up their adopted dogs in person from the dog’s foster home (we do not ship any of our dogs). Please have road/driving transport plans in place to pick up an adopted dog before you apply! While we are not against adopters flying a foster dog in cabin on a commercial flight, please keep in mind that many are not good candidates for flying due to size and/or being a brachycephalic/short nosed breed.

If an adopter cannot keep one of our grads, for any reason at all, at ANY point in time, they *must* be willing and able to return their adopted dog to his/her original foster home, despite distance and any costs that would be required to do so.

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​SNAFU Rescue is a 501(c)(3) tax deductible non-profit organization that rescues, rehabilitates, and rehomes all short-nosed breeds in need.   |   wishlist   |    donate   |    volunteer   |    adopted dogs

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